Range Log

Flowblade provides functionality save, name and manage in point to out point ranges on media items.


This functionality is mainly useful then there are media items that contain multiple areas of interest or if the user wants to save in and out points of an edit for later use.

A typical example use case for the feature would be:

  1. User has a long clip of a speech delivered at some social function, congress, company event, etc.
  2. User wants to mark and name the interesting parts of the speech

Creating Range Log Items

With Clip Monitor

  1. Add Media Item to Clip Monitor
  2. Set Mark In and Mark Out points
  3. Press 'Log Current marked Range' -button on the bottom left in the Range Log panel

Drag'n'Drop from Timeline

  1. Drag a Clip from Timeline on top of Items list view in the Range Log panel

Adding Range Log items to Timeline

With buttons

Drag'n'Drop into Timeline

Managing Range Log Items